Saturday, December 10, 2011

Good Ol' Santa

My mom made a tradition every Christmas season to take her only girl to the holiday brunch at the Zodiac Room in the downtown Neiman Marcus. When my brothers got married their wives joined us. This year, Davis got to come because after all she is a lady. Davis had her first encounter with Santa. "Mixed Emotions" would best title her debut visit with our jolly old friend from the North Pole.

The Santa dilemma... if you are asking the age old question, to Santa or not to Santa, you might find this little
nugget of input helpful. Jen Wilkin is a covenant member of our church and gifted teacher. I loved her thoughts on the topic. I also have loved re-reading a book called, Treasuring God in Our Traditions, by Noel Piper. She and her husband are on the anti-Santa train but still, I am challenged and gleaned so much wisdom from the way their family makes the advent season one of worship, nothing taking away from Jesus. Our church's Advent guide is on-line, too. It is composed of short personal and family devotionals. There is much to marvel at this season dwelling on Jesus' humanity and divinity. Grateful.

1 comment:

  1. She's getting so big and is just so beautiful!!


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