Thursday, March 10, 2011

Baby Davy

I have been in the throws of new mommy hood. As my own mom has told me a million times, "A baby changes everything." Davy has indeed changed EVERYthing... in the most amazing way. Most of you know but in the last 8 weeks I have had two UTI's, mono, and Pyelonephritis which landed me back in the hospital for three days. Ugh. The grandparents were obviously delighted to take care of our little blessing while I recovered. Chris has been so dear during this strained season, helping at every turn. Davis is super baby. She just had her two month appointment and is weighing in at 12 lbs. 4 oz. She sleeps at least six hours every night and has the sweetest social smile that I can't get enough of; I will be making silly faces and singing to her only to look up and notice that 45 minutes have passed. Here are some pictures from her newborn shoot. Andie Hamilton, a dear friend of the Pearsons, graciously offered her talent and time to capture Davis on film. Thank you notes and baby announcements will be coming to your mailbox soon. As it turns out this teeny tiny human consumes a lot of time, laundry and dishes. We are in a new groove though and I am finally getting around to these happy notes! As always, we covet your prayers, and feel certain they have carried us through this JOYFUL season.


  1. Oh my word, Kimmy! She is just BEAUTIFUL. I am itching to see her if you have any openings :) call me. LOVE you!

  2. Oh my goodness, I could just eat her up!!!! That last picture is spot on daddy. We've been praying for you to get healthy and stay that way. I know it's hard and I remember being in the hospital with kidney issues when Avery was a month old and feeling like I was in way over my head. (Evan had a full time job and full time school schedule and was mia until her 4th month)

    They bless us more than I think we anticipate. Once you get that routine down it's all a breeze and before you know it they are no longer your tiny precious one but a energetic and chatty 2 year old :)

    Thanks for sharing her cuteness. Avery says she's "adoble".

  3. you have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!! She is so beautiful. The last picture is a Chris face. I love it!! And I love you!

  4. I'm obsessed with these pics! I miss my little friend. Can she come spend Spring Break with Aunt Melissa???

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